Our curriculum statement (below) aligns with our school vision:
- Include Everyone
- Guarantee Opportunities
- Nurture Aspirations
- Inspire Each Other
- Try Everything
- Encourage Independence
(and is also driven by our mission and underpinned by our values)
We hope reading this statement is reassuring and exciting for you...
- ...reassuring to know that every pupil accesses the full national curriculum, and more!
- ...reassuring to know that we have planned the curriculum in a specific sequence to give children the best chance of remembering their new knowledge!
- ...exciting to know that we are seeking to discover and nurture your child's interests and abilities!
- ...exciting to see our ambition for your child and our belief they have all the potential within them to have a successful and fulfilling life (and to change the world)!

There are five important things that make The Windmill Curriculum distinctive and successful:
1. Our curriculum is designed around the 'cultural capital' we believe Windmill children should have:
- Everything is built on the solid foundation of an enabling Early Years experience
- Prioritising the ability to read as the key to unlock life's doors
- Full access to the National Curriculum, plus:
- Spiritual, Social, Moral and Cultural education through guaranteed Deep and Diverse experiences
- Outdoor and adventurous activities
- Sports competitions and learning to swim
- Performing, and learning to play a musical instrument
- Visiting every Ironbridge Gorge Museum
- Visiting places of worship and meeting religious leaders
- Learning about Ghana and Kenya
- Learning hospitality
- and many more... (including: joining the library, road safety, fire safety, law courts, parliament, residentials)
- Personal, Social, Health, Economic education and Relationships and Sex Education, using Jigsaw
- Religious Education and World Views, following a bespoke Windmill plan in accordance with the Standing Advisory Council for RE's recommendations, incorporating religious and non-religious beliefs and world views.
- Every subject is given enough time in our timetable so that our curriculum is well-rounded

2. Our curriculum is 'knowledge-engaged'
- We want children's newly learned knowledge to stick, so:
- we are really clear with children what they should be learning and remembering
- we practise new things lots
- we remind the children of their new knowledge by referring back to it with spoken and visual cues
- we check whether children have remembered it in recall sessions
- We plan for children to be able to use (engage) their knowledge in different contexts (prototype theory)
- this often means that they apply some knowledge from one subject (horizontal links, e.g. 'invasion' in History links to 'invasion' in certain games in PE and/or 'invasion' in Science - viruses in living things)
- we believe this helps make the curriculum relevant and meaningful to them

3. Our curriculum is delivered using a mastery approach
- We believe everyone can succeed
- We include everyone and guarantee access to all the experiences
- We practise in order to become fluent

4. Our curriculum is sequenced so that new learning builds on prior learning
- Each subject's progression map is planned so that new learning can relate to knowledge gained earlier in the year, or knowledge from previous years (vertical links)
- We help children to spot links between new knowledge in one subject with things they have learned in previous years and in other subjects (diagonal links)
- We know that by planning for horizontal, vertical and diagonal links, we are helping children to develop schemata - interconnected webs of knowledge (metacognition)

5. Our curriculum prepares children well for secondary school and for citizenship
- We believe the (knowledge) rich get richer and the (knowledge) poor get poorer
- We believe knowledge empowers the least privileged and combats social injustice
- We always get great feedback from secondary schools about how well prepared Windmill children are