I am concerned about my child's mental health

Before contacting anyone below, or seeking external advice, please first discuss your child's mental health with their class teacher.

Next contact in school: Mrs Cambidge (Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion)
- Available on 01952 386360 on most Thursdays and Fridays, or email [email protected] anytime

Other helpful people: Mrs Coles (Welfare Lead / Children's Champion), Mrs Peart (Welfare Assistant), and Miss Jenks (Emotional Literacy Support Coordinator)

A section of our school website is dedicated to information about Mental Health and Wellbeing:

Mental Health | Windmill Primary School

We also have Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) in school, coordinated by Miss Jenks.  If your child's teacher agrees that there are concerns in school as well as at home, we can arrange for your child to receive support in school from one of our team.

If you have spoken to the class teacher and they have not noticed any concerning behaviour in school, we would advise making an appointment with your family doctor.

Further information:

Other useful websites: