Please see the Community Academies Trust complaints policy, plus Windmill's specific approach as an annex to that policy.

Key principles

Community Academies Trust expects all complainants to make reasonable attempts to seek an informal resolution.

An informal concern can be raised in person, by telephone, by email or letter. Concerns may also be raised by a third party acting on behalf of a parent, as long as they have appropriate authority to do so. Most enquiries and concerns can be dealt with satisfactorily by the class teacher or other members of staff without the need to resort to the formal procedure. We value informal meetings and discussions and encourage parents to approach staff with any concerns they may have and aim to resolve all issues with open dialogue and mutual understanding.

It is always helpful if the complainant can fully explain the nature of the concern and identify the outcome they are looking for. Where appropriate, they may be invited to an informal meeting with the member of staff most appropriate for dealing with that concern. The member of staff dealing with the concern will make sure that the complainant is clear on what action (if any) has been agreed. 

The trust encourages parents and others to approach the school with any concerns and refrain from airing concerns about the school and its staff on social media sites.

Concerns or complaints should be brought to our attention as soon as possible. Any matter raised more than 3 months after the incident being complained of (or, where a series of associated incidents have occurred, within 3 months of the last of these incidents) will not be considered unless the headteacher accepts that there are good reasons to explain the delay or the complaint is about a particularly serious matter.

Complainants should not approach individual governors or trustees to raise concerns or complaints. They have no power to act on an individual basis and it may prevent them from considering complaints at later stages.

School contact: Mark Gibbons (headteacher)

Telephone: 01952 386360

Email: [email protected]

Address: Windmill Primary School, Beaconsfield, Brookside, Telford, TF3 1LG

To refer to the Community Academies Trust Complaints Policy, please follow this link.