I am concerned about my mental health (or that of an adult I know)

We are sure you know that we are not experts in adult mental health, but we are happy to be a listening ear to you, and to help point you in a helpful direction.

First contact in school: Mrs Cambidge (Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion)
- Available on 01952 386360 on most Thursdays and Fridays, or email [email protected] anytime

Other helpful people: Mrs Coles (Welfare Lead / Children's Champion), Mrs Peart (Welfare Assistant), and Miss Jenks (Emotional Literacy Support Coordinator)

A section of our school website is dedicated to information about Mental Health and Wellbeing:

Mental Health | Windmill Primary School

Telford & Wrekin Council offer free access to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy called 'SilverCloud': SilverCloud - CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) programmes | Live Well Telford

Other useful websites:

  • Online advice and information from doctors: mental health (patient.info)
  • Samaritans. Samaritans provide 24-hour online and phone support to people in distress. Call: 116 123. 

  • Mind. Mind is a charity that provides advice and support for people experiencing a mental health problem in England and Wales. Call: 0300 123 3393 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 6pm)

  • Rethink Mental Illness. Support and advice for people living with mental health problems. Call: 0300 5000 927 (Mon to Fri, 9.30am to 4pm)

  • SANE. National out-of hours mental health charity offering emotional support, guidance and information. Call: 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm to 10.30pm)

  • Mental Health Foundation. Information and support for anyone with mental health problems or learning disabilities.