My child is often late for school or absent from school

First contact in school: Mrs Richards (Assistant Headteacher)
- Available on 01952 386360 in the afternoons, or email [email protected] anytime

Other helpful people: Mrs Dexter (Senior Administrator) and Mrs Coles (Welfare Lead / Children's Champion)

Further information:

Our helpful hints and tips (not quite life hacks...):

  • Make doctor and dentist appointments during the school holidays or after school
  • Good hygiene - regular hand washing and using a tissue will help prevent them picking up or passing on bugs that lead to absence due to illness. 
  • Aim for 8:40am... class doors open at 8:45am, so you'll never be late if you arrive early!
  • Get your child their own alarm clock.
  • Use Breakfast Club or Early Drop-off: Breakfast Club | Windmill Primary School
  • Don't allow TV or computer games before everyone is ready - if at all.
  • If your children is feeling unwell, give school a try.  We will look after them and will send them home if they're not managing.